Did you know that a LEED+ Certified Facility can also have a
LEED Accredited Professional Artist Studio in residence?
The Energy Innovation Center does!!
Pittsburgh Gateways invites you to visit Artist Cory Bonnet’s studio on the EIC Tower’s 5th Floor. It is our bet that you will be overwhelmed with what you see and quickly learn how it aligns with the Energy Innovation Center’s mission as a P-4 Center (People, Person, Place & Planet) – as well as the 5th “P” (Profitable).
You will be amazed by the mediums of the art pallets. As you will see, they can be as valuable as the artist’s applications onto those pallets (previewed in the picture!). Your visit to this studio will exceed your expectations.
Many of you have visited the EIC…however, you haven’t yet seen this.
Many of you know artist, Cory Bonnet. Come to see what can happen when LEED facilities collaborate with a LEED accredited artist.
In twenty five minutes, we can show you the studio, examine the first of many collections of historic artifacts, and describe how this connects with PGC’s historical renovation work in Johnstown for the Center for Metal Arts.
For appointments, contact Shannon Kelly – skelly@pghgateways.org